

On Hairdressing...and the Tangles of Being a Hairdresser

I have never, not once, worked at a salon without drama.  I have worked at many salons now that claim to be without drama, but I realize that perhaps these words came straight from the horse's mouth.  Or, more likely, that the two (hairdressing and drama) are an inseparable pair, and I know what I'm talking about.  I've been on many sides of the coin to date, from commissioned employee, to manager, to leasee.  The past almost decade of hairdressing has been anything but dull.

Lately, I'm working in a small shop on the East Side.  From the shop, our owner sells "farm fresh eggs" from her (I imagine) less than lovely "farm" outside of town.  Nothing says "professional" like buying your eggs from your hairdresser. 

When she isn't selling eggs or giving outdated haircuts, anyone may observe her jawing on the phone for what seems like hours about her personal life.  Why do some people think they are inaudible to the rest of the world when they are on the phone?  (We can all hear you, lady.  And we didn't need to know all that!) 

Doing bad hair is one thing, but subjecting your offspring to your bad hairdressing skills is just mean.  Last week she gave one of her own (not one of the kids she "practically raised" for one ex or another) pubescent offspring a bleach job...he then colored it Barney Purple.  As a mother myself, I say it may have been wise to steer him away from that reputation shattering fashion statement.  Yikes, the kid really can't pull it off or I'd be all for it.

I do enjoy watching her flirt with her ex-husband.  (Especially when he is wearing a utili-kilt.)  But, as you can imagine, she clearly doesn't hold high professional standards, which is why she is constantly giving LOLs (little old ladies) cheap perms, and probably also why she gives free haircuts with her colour services.  I suppose that way she will always have an ear for her drama, and someone to buy her eggs.

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