

Fieldtrippin' OMSI

Camels, spacecraft, embryonic babies, earthquakes, dwarf planets, and paleontology (not to mention sack lunch, bus rides, and potty breaks...and vending machines and an overpriced gift store).  Do I feel like a good mommy for volunteering?  Yes.  As of right now, do I want to chaperone a field trip ever again?  No.  (But you know I will...)

You know what's really funny, is that no matter how many amazing exhibits there are, kids always gravitate to the water and sand...and want to stay forever.  Me too.  Water and sand, but somewhere other than at OMSI.  

Maybe a nice quiet beach somewhere...where it's quiet and there are no lines, and the vending machines don't eat your money (there are no vending machines), and when you find a mummy it's an actual mummy and not a picture of one...

Well, the kids had fun.

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