

No Hillbilly Hot Dogs Here

These Ain't No Hillbilly Hotdogs

These Ain't No Hillbilly Hotdogs:

Simple Ingredients-  pear, hotdog, bun, brie.

Directions-  Find a really nice hotdog (no oscar meyer crappy dog here) from somewhere like Whole Foods or New Seasons that is 100% beef and won't make you sick thinking about its ingredients (this is important).  Grill the dog sliced open and add fancy cheese (brie) and pieces of a yummy thinly sliced pear. Put this all in an artisan bun for the best tasting hot dog you will ever eat, I swear.


I may have already blogged about this, I'm not sure.  But if so, it's because these hot dogs are THAT good.  Best summer BBQ recipe, really.


I'd like to thank my hubby for surprising me with these perfect hot dog ingredients yesterday after he worked all day and for grilling up a divine BBQ dinner just for us.

1 thoughts:

Chandra said...

I am a sucker for a good hot dog and am addicted to cheese and fruit. This just might be a lethal combination! Thanks for visiting today. I am now following and have a new love with your blog. Let me know if I could feature some of your etsy stuff on my blog :D

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