

Goodbye Summer

Spoils from the Garden

I love to play in the dirt, which is a lucky thing when growing an organic garden.  By hand, and without weed killers, I have logged many hours freeing up space for the veggies from invasive weeds.  I live at the edge of some very weedy foothills, so it was hearty weeding!  It feels really incredible to weed a garden bed, especially when it really needs it.

This year I was proud to grow dragon carrots, summer squash, lemon cucumbers...and other things not pictured here on my kitchen counter; watermelon, calendula, amaranth, gourds, beans, snap peas, sun flowers....I guess we had quite a harvest!

But what I'm thinking about today is the end of summer.  The final harvest of those veggies, the last days of swimming, playing in the sun, and summer vacations.  It's almost time to snuggle up and burrow in for the winter, and I'm a little sad to say goodbye.  

Thank goodness for fall...the transition of Fall (my favorite) time of year makes saying goodbye to summer more bearable.  I look forward to crunchy leaves and days where you can wear a hoodie and a scarf.

Goodbye summer, hello to Fall (almost winter).

Any good ideas for a winter cover crop??

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