

Simply Beautiful

Everything has been so incredibly beautiful lately, no amount of photos seems to pacify me!  Autumn is one of those sneaky times that slips past so quickly.  I want to soak it in, every leaf, every fiery shade, and hold this time a bit more still.  Already trees are looking more bare and I feel a bitterness in the cold at night.  Darkness is coming so early...reminding me it is that time to start burrowing in for the winter.

Every year, the simple beauty of the season's change is startling, and still surprises me.

I designed a pair of hoop posts, very organic shaped, and beautiful in their simplicity.  Sometimes minimalism is so refreshing.  These earrings made me appreciate how pretty plain silver jewelry can be.

 Beauty of style and harmony and 


and good rhythm depend on

Plato –

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